, from Tom Hua - Publisher of e*Vision,
and the co-founder of the World Internet Summit.

Help! Help! Help! Help to Fight Against The Crimes
Last Friday evening, one of my best friends’ house was
broken in. Many very expensive items were stolen … …
Police can not help. But I believe You Could! Let’s use
the power of The Internet to found those items, then
catch the offenders. Please help to fight back!
==> http://e-order.net/help/

(What would it be like if it happened to you?)

>>> >>> Did you see this yet? <<< <<<

Hi ,

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=> http://e-order.net/th1.html

To YOUR Success!

Tom Hua


Help To Fight Against Crime: Can you find one of these?
Last Friday evening, one of my best friends’ house was
broken in. Many very expensive items were stolen … …
Police can not help. But I believe You Could! Let’s use
the power of The Internet to found those items, then
catch the offenders. Please help to fight back!
==> http://e-order.net/help/

Welcome to this issue of e*Vision! by Tom Hua
(Volume VIII - Issue 2008-02-19)
The e*Vision ezine is specifically focused on the online
marketing of information products. I hope you find the
information presented in The e*Vision ezine valuable,
and that it helps bring you online success.
Read ALL Past Issues at == http://ustoday.net/evision/

>>>> >>>> Featured Article <<<< <<<<
Make Money Now: Learn The Spiritual Secrets Of Prosperity
- by John Lane

Why do some people turn everything they touch into money?
That person can be you. Learn how to practice ancient
spiritual laws to exercise your natural power of attraction.


Begin your practice session by creating a state of deep
relaxation. Start with your physical body and combine
your visualization with your breath. Start deep, complete
breathing. Remember that when you are anxious, the breath
is short and rapid. Therefore, in order to create
relaxation, you must consciously do just the opposite.
Make the breath long and slow. Tell yourself "I am
breathing deeply, slowly, and regularly. Already, my deep,
slow breathing is slowing my body down. I am becoming more
and more relaxed." Say this over to yourself several times
until you really do feel more relaxed.Remind yourself that
the brain is the message center of the body. You can deepen
your relaxation by sending messages from the brain to every
part of your body. You can tell each part to relax until
the entire body is even more deeply relaxed than before.
For example, begin with either the feet or the head and
address each part as you move from one end to the other.
Tell yourself, "My toes are very relaxed. I can feel the
relaxation moving into my arches, into my heels, moving
over the tops of my feet. My feet are very relaxed. The
relaxation is moving into my ankles and into the lower
parts of my legs. My ankles and legs are very relaxed.
My knees are relaxed. I can feel the relaxing energy
moving through my thighs and up into my hips. My thighs
and hips are very relaxed. My whole back is relaxed. My
chest and diaphragm are relaxed. My stomach is relaxed.
My lower abdomen is relaxed. I can feel the relaxing
energy moving up into my shoulders and down into my arms
and hands. My fingers are relaxed. I feel the relaxation
moving into my neck and into the base of my skull. My
scalp is relaxed. The relaxation is flushing down over
my face. My eyes and ears are relaxed. My nose and mouth
are relaxed. My cheeks and chin are relaxed. My whole
body is relaxed. I am very comfortable. I am at peace.
I am very peaceful and relaxed.

Now that you have reached the other end of the body, you
will experience a very deep and peaceful feeling of
relaxation throughout the entire body. If there are some
places that are still tense, spend some extra time focusing
relaxing energy on these parts until the entire body feels
relaxed. This will prepare you then for the conscious
programming of your inner mind for the prosperity you have
chosen to experience. 1. Think and Believe that you deserve
everything that you want. Too often we put doubt in our
minds about our ability to have more. We tell other people
our dreams who make us doubt our ability to have our dreams
come true. Stop talking about your goals with negative
people. They will poison your mind and interfere with you
reaching your goal.

2. Visualize your goal. Create a mind map with pictures
of how different your life will be once you reach your
financial goal. Cut out pictures from magazines or
download pictures from your computer that represent this
change. Take your digital camera and create a success map
of things that represent prosperity. Find the house you'd
buy, the car you'd drive, vacations you'd take, friends
you'd visit, etc. Have these images somewhere you can
look at them on a regular basis. See the balance in your
bank account increased.

3. Write 3 affirmations about reaching your goal.

For example, "I have everything I wand and need and enough
left over to share" "I deserve the best and I accept it
graciously." "I am financially comfortable." You may think
of many other positive statements, but do at least three.
Put these in a place where you will see them regularly
during your day (on the refrigerator or a mirror). 4 Express
Gratitude to whatever you consider your Higher Power to be.
Know that your success has added energy for manifestation
because of this acknowledgment.

Some examples of these gratitude statements include: "Thank
you, God, for all of this good" "Thank you, Great Spirit,
for this overflowing abundance" "Thank you, Mother Luck,
for these magnificent gifts"


John Lane, MBA Internet Profit Strategies

>>> >>> eBook of the Week <<< <<<
Are you "Pod Casting" yet. Learn how from
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Help To Fight Against Crime: Can you find one of these?
Last Friday evening, one of my best friends’ house was
broken in. Many very expensive items were stolen … …
Police can not help. But I believe You Could! Let’s use
the power of The Internet to found those items, then
catch the offenders. Please help to fight back!
==> http://e-order.net/help/

The e*Vision eZine is published by Tom Hua
Copyright (c) 2001 - 2008, all rights reserved.
No portion of this publication may be reproduced
or transmitted without the express written consent
of the publisher or contributing editors and or writers.

DISCLAIMER: We disclaim any liability for the use of
Any contributed information contained herein.

I hope you've enjoyed this issue of the e*Vision ezine.
Please let me know if you have any questions, suggestions
or requests.

All the Best, until next time!

Tom Hua
Read ALL Past Issues at ==> http://ustoday.net/evision/