, from Tom Hua - Publisher of e*Vision,
and the co-founder of the World Internet Summit.

>>> >>> Does your website look Professional? <<< <<<

Hi ,

Since you are my loyal subscriber, I guess that you would
have a website, right? (may be even more than one ;-)

But are you sure your website is Really Good Enough?

To me a Professional Looking website is Critical.
Who wants to buy anything from you if your site
doesn’t even look right?

Yes, we all know a powerful sales letter is important to
convert visitors into buyers.

However, did you realize that you only have, on average,
4 Seconds to catch a visitor’s attention?

They Won’t Even Read your sales letter if your website
doesn’t have the Professional look to make them stay
for a few more seconds.

Its just like everything else, First Impression is far
more important than anything else that might happen or
might NOT happen (in this case) afterwards.

You must have a Professional Looking Website to catch
your visitor’s attention before your sales letter can
Even Start To Work.

Does it make sense to you?

But you say, it is not that easy to design a website
Professionally since you are new at Internet Business.

Well, as you know, I run a website hosting company and
a software development company, both very successfully.

What about letting my professional web designers take a
look at your website and advise you what needs to be done
so that your website can look professional?

It’ll only take less than 30 seconds to send your request
==> http://www.ustoday.net/wsmo.html

Don’t wait any longer!

You might be losing a lot of money only because of the lack
of the Professional Look of your website.

To Your Success!

Tom Hua

My team has designed thousands of websites for my hosting
clients and other business owners. They definitely know
what they are doing. Let my team do a Professional
Website Makeover for YOU today …
==> http://www.ustoday.net/wsmo.html


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Welcome to this issue of e*Vision! by Tom Hua
(Volume IX - Issue 2009-5-5)
The e*Vision ezine is specifically focused on the online
marketing of information products. I hope you find the
information presented in The e*Vision ezine valuable,
and that it helps bring you online success.
Read ALL Past Issues at == http://ustoday.net/evision/

>>>> >>>> Featured Article <<<< <<<<

“Start every day with a smile and get it over with”.
W.C. Fields

Have you been ‘conditioned’ to believe that getting a job
and working forty hours per week at something you don’t
really like, but pays the bills, is as good as it gets.
Then join the masses.

But it's also true that most of us want our lives to be
meaningful; we want to know where we are headed and we
demand something deeper than ‘just a job’.

When we leave this life we want to have achieved something
worthwhile, and not felt that we had squandered our precious
time here on this weird and wonderful planet.

But are you not lucky to have a job, any job? Well, no, I
think this is a furphy. You will be dead one day, so why
not aim for the biggest dream that turns you on? Why waste
all those 9 to 5 hours doing stuff that turns you into a
negative, whining, boring victim? Better off dead!

Is it vain to believe you can have the life of your dreams?
That depends who you’ve been listening to. Who is making up
this game of life? Your parents? Your friends? Your teachers?
Your history books? Life is there for the taking…provided
that you are willing to pay the price. No risk, no adventure,
no failure, no success. You decide what you want your life to
become – if you dare.

So why is it so hard to change one’s life for the better?

Here are seven major fears and obstacles that stop people
going after their dream life:

1. You don’t know what you want because you thought it was
not an important question or you have accepted other people’s
directions without any thought. When we are young, our sense
of self and our level of self-esteem are dependent on our
parents and teachers who decide for us what is good and bad
behaviour and what rewards and punishments go with this
behaviour. So we learnt how to please our authority figures
by becoming the kind of person that they liked.

2. The majority of people are followers or reactors – People
who stand out have to be courageous and risk ostracism, or
face emotional and financial ruin. This is too much
‘perceived pain’ for too little ‘perceived gain’. Note
the word ‘perceived’. The actuality is usually very
different but we tend to imagine the worst.

3. We live in a highly specialised workforce and once you
get on the job (just over broke)-mortgage-buy stuff-pay
debts-watch TV (no energy for anything else) – mow the lawn
– do the housework – you know the rest – treadmill, it is
almost impossible to motivate yourself to switch careers
or do something different.

4. Fear of failure. You fear ending up in the poorhouse,
this fear kicks in as soon as you think you might be better
off doing something else and that’s as far as it gets.

5. You want certainty about the future but of course no-one
can give you that certainty so you stay with the devil of a
job you know (or the devil of a partner) and resign yourself
to a life of sacrifice and sameness and mediocrity.

6. The misconception that we must find the perfect answer
before we commit to anything else, and so we keep looking
for something in heaven rather than something right in
front of our noses.

7. You can't be bothered, it’s all too hard, pass me
another _____ (fill in the blank).

When we're accustomed to living this way, it may take a shock
(a family or health crisis) to wake us up and unfortunately
this is what it takes before a person decides ‘enough is

But what then?

Another dilemma emerges from the sheer specialisation of the
rat race. What/ Who / Where/ When/ How do I change my life?
All you know so far is what doesn’t work! How do you find
the right path to your desired future? What do you really

There must be a way out of this mess?

There is. Learn how to create your future. Become a life

But it’s not for everyone. Turning one’s life around and
becoming a creator rather than a reactor isn’t easy or
quick. Discovering or finding what we should do with our
lives is one of life’s amazing dramas. It is a never-ending
process of self-discovery and should be appreciated for
the degree of difficulty involved.

You will have your knockers. “What a dumb idea!” “It won’t
pay the rent.” How impractical.” “He’s off with the fairies

But it’s not impractical and it won’t put you in the poorhouse.
(You will think of the worst that can happen and have plan B
ready…won’t you?).

Start changing your unfulfilling life today… visit http://www.whatisthemeaningoflife2u.com
Gary Hipworth
Director Maverick Solutions
Creator of Inmate 88 Life Planning Software

>>> >>> eBook of the Week <<< <<<
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The e*Vision eZine is published by Tom Hua
Copyright (c) 2001 - 2009, all rights reserved.
No portion of this publication may be reproduced
or transmitted without the express written consent
of the publisher or contributing editors and or writers.

DISCLAIMER: We disclaim any liability for the use of
Any contributed information contained herein.

I hope you've enjoyed this issue of the e*Vision ezine.
Please let me know if you have any questions, suggestions
or requests.

All the Best, until next time!

Tom Hua
Read ALL Past Issues at ==> http://ustoday.net/evision/