, from Tom Hua - Publisher of e*Vision,
and the co-founder of the World Internet Summit.

>>> >>> World Internet Summit 2009 New Zealand <<< <<<

Hi ,

Through the demise of the stock market and property
prices there is one trend that continues to go from
strength to strength, growing, expanding and profiting.

Do you know what I’m talking about?

Of course, it is The Internet.

==> http://ustoday.net/wis.html

With the collapse of most people’s superannuation,
governments are now asking the elderly to keep
working… hence… delaying the retirement age.
(not real fair if you ask me)

Do you want to delay your retirement?

More and more people are using the Internet as a way
to regain control of their financial future, a control
that has been given up to the job security illusion
for too long.

One of my greatest passions is sharing my knowledge
about the Internet that has allowed me to live my
dream lifestyle... and I can help you too.

==> http://ustoday.net/wis.html

In fact Brett and I will have our World Internet Summit
Event once again in New Zealand this July… and I’d like
you to join me.

Its four days of pure content and you’ll see me and
a host of the Worlds Best Internet Marketers in one
place at one time. You’d be crazy not to attend.

Information on the Internet is updating and changing
rapidly so whether you’re a total newbie, you know a
little bit or you know a lot, you’re going to profit

Join me and the other gurus this July in beautiful NZ
for the world internet summit.

==> http://ustoday.net/wis.html

To Your Success!

Tom Hua

PS. If you don’t live in New Zealand, it will be the
right time of the year to go there for Ski ;-)

==> http://ustoday.net/wis.html


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Here is a brand new website where you can learn
How To Speak Chinese Fast with Video Lessons...
==> http://ispeakchinese.net/

Welcome to this issue of e*Vision! by Tom Hua
(Volume IX - Issue 2009-5-19)
The e*Vision ezine is specifically focused on the online
marketing of information products. I hope you find the
information presented in The e*Vision ezine valuable,
and that it helps bring you online success.
Read ALL Past Issues at == http://ustoday.net/evision/

>>>> >>>> Featured Article <<<< <<<<
– By Gary Hipworth
When we get right to the point of all the talk about
enlightenment and religion and whether there is life
after death, or what Buddha said, or Maharshi, or Alan
Watts or Jesus or anyone remotely interested in discovering
truth, beauty, intelligence or compassion, what is the
meaning of it all?

This was brought home to me in the most frightening personal
way when the terrorist attack occurred in New York. My partner
Jo on that very day arrived home from her trip to Canada and
New York on a United Airlines flight via New York. Only two
weeks earlier, Jo stood on the top of the World Trade Centre,
which as we know is no more, and thousands of people perished
in another senseless act of violence. Only good luck and
timing saved Jo from death.

Coincidentally, whilst Jo was away, I had been reflecting on
my own change of consciousness that occurred many years ago.
In a nutshell, after many years of self-discovery research
and experimentation, I woke up one morning and became aware
that my consciousness was very different than it normally
was on awakening…thought was absent and there was a sense
of stillness and peace. This lasted about 2 hours. Since
that amazing experience, this peaceful state comes and
goes in my life, so it seems nothing is permanent.

However, what was still really troubling me was the question
I posed in the first sentence of this article. I feel a
million times better about life and the world, but is that
it? Do I simply bliss out for the rest of my life, with no
thought for the morrow? Can I understand what did happen
to my brain and is it a repeatable situation for others?
Is there such a thing as evolution and if so, does it have
a purpose? Do I have a connection with any of this? I needed
some insights because there seemed to be a piece of the
puzzle still missing. Maybe I am just greedy and selfish
for more?

I let all this percolate for weeks and then the insights
started flowing. I will simply list them in no particular
order of importance:

10 Insights On What a Change Of Consciousness Means

1. The highest value is life itself, or to put it differently,
compassion for all living creatures. Not just my life, or
your life, but the whole flow of life in all its forms on
Earth and elsewhere in the universe. The miracle is now,
at this moment when I reflect on this simple but astonishing
fact. If we value ideas more than life, then we kill others
because of their different ideas, and this has been the
problem with humanity for thousands of years.

2. For life to keep going in a fast-changing environment,
it must get more and more intelligent. This means it must
sometimes adapt or change its internal structure just to
stay around. Life is playing a nightmare game where the
rules of the game keep changing because everything is truly
connected with everything else and everything therefore
influences everything else, both living and non-living
processes. If a species is too successful (humans) this
very success changes the nature of the game! Hence our
environmental problems. The implications are astonishing
for each individual! Each person must get more intelligent
and creative and take equal responsibility for the mess we
have all co-created if there is to be a better future for
all life. I can’t leave it to others. We are all in the
same boat, and it’s leaking!

3. Those gurus or authorities that claim that consciousness
is the only reality and ‘things and bodies’ are an illusion
are making the huge mistake of looking for a solution to
their mortality. The tragic aspect of this is that they
recruit millions of followers who are also looking for a
way out of an impossible situation. And the same gurus
don’t want to precisely define this elusive ‘thing’ called
consciousness? For me it’s simply awareness of existing,
and it is an integral part of my being, including my body.
I can switch at any moment from normal human consciousness
(mind) to natural consciousness (no-mind) by becoming
aware of my total environment, both inner and outer, and
not desiring anything from this awareness. So can anyone
who is not completely besotted by their own personal story.

4. Enlightenment for me simply means being my own light
and making the most of my one chance at life in the
context of the current world situation. It would be
absurd and dangerous to accept any one person’s views
on life or follow anyone else. Closed cults and groups
are very dangerous for the same reason. At a higher
level of mutual understanding and influence, self-reliant
and interdependent people (another paradox) become united
in moving towards a common goal – is this One Humanity?
It is probably going to come down to the quality of our
individual relationships that will determine what happens
to our planet and our species in the near future, not just
the quality of our leaders. That means I need to work on
my own close relationships first.

5. Living things are self-organizing and self-maintaining.
They create order out of chaos. This is a continual, dynamic
process. Moments of bliss (or peak experiences) occur for
an individual organism when ‘everything is in order’ i.e.
food and other basic needs are satisfied, for the moment.
Therefore bliss is a result of order being maintained. If
there is disorder in a living organism, it will result in
suffering until the problem is resolved. The human body/
mind split (Descartes dualism – curse the man’s rationality
but look how we bought into his ideas because they gave us
false hopes about an immortal soul) has created disorder,
and this split is having its effect in the environment and
in our relationships. For me this means letting life flow
more and allowing my feelings to be more active and my
logical mind less in control.

6. Evolution on Earth does not have a purpose as such, other
than to keep going, moment-to-moment. As conditions on Earth
change rapidly of gradually over long periods, life has
developed a pattern of increasing complexity. In humans we
evolved a new brain that invented language and a symbolic,
conceptual reality. Why did this new brain evolve? At first,
it was for survival, as language gave us a competitive edge,
but then a weird thing happened. This symbolic brain imagined
an ego or self into existence. We are the only animals that
have self-consciousness i.e. we are aware that we exist.
Exactly how this process works in the brain is still a mystery,
but it is indeed an illusion. How do I know? One morning
thinking stopped, and my sense of self also stopped at the
same time. What is it that remained? The body’s natural
functioning, based on the five senses, without recognition
or cognitive interpretation, although thought was still
trying to control/ interpret what was happening, and is still
is trying to get control of something it can’t understand.
“In our infinite ignorance, we are all equal.” Karl Popper.

7. I now understand why my dog has moments of bliss, because
when his basic survival needs have been met, he is in bliss.
(Except us poor human beings, who live mainly in a world of
ideas, and chase after happiness all our lives). How do I
know my dog is in bliss? I observe him when he lies on his
back and kicks his legs in all directions at once or when
he takes off around the garden and runs in circles.

8. My consciousness changed to a natural consciousness because
I began living from day to day on a ‘NOW’ basis, and I stopped
putting energy into maintaining false values (improving self,
ambition, pride, seeking permanent anything). Can anyone
have this experience? It all depends on one’s motive. I
wanted the truth, no matter what the consequences. Be careful
what you wish for!

9. Human beings do not have a choice about whether there
will be a new consciousness. The current planetary crisis
will resolve itself, one way or another. So we are not in
charge of our own evolution although we are active participants
in the flow of life. We either harmonize with the whole of
life or we self-destruct. Is there really any choice? Wow!
What a great time to be alive. It is no longer business as
usual. Everything is up for grabs baby!

10. Thought is a very important tool for creative living,
but not for psychological identification, because it then
creates disorder in the organism. Life, in humans cannot
become less complex and go back to the state of so-called
innocence or pre-thought. However, thought must be integrated
with the organism’s number one value – the continuation of
life. In the last few hundred years this game on earth has
got a lot more complicated due to population growth, (1800
AD world population was 1,000 million, year 2000 it was
6,000 million and growing exponentially). We also have
invented the nuclear bomb and our innate tendency towards
using violence to achieve our goals means that we are all
living at a time when we could all be annihilated. The
reality is there is only One Earth and so there are natural
limits on us all. It was recently reported from the
international space station that the view of Earth is
becoming increasingly hazy due to dust from our destructive
ways. This daunting challenge seems to require a change
of consciousness in you and me, not simply a new idea about
sustainable development. (The latter being only a change
in consciousness, or similar to moving the deck chairs on
the Titanic).

Those are my insights on consciousness and if you don’t
like them, well I’ve got lots more. And yes, I am greedy
and selfish for more life. Isn’t everyone? That’s a massive
problem too. Not to admit that you want a lot more out of
life than you are getting. It’s called being selfish.
Everyone’s selfish because it’s how a living creature is
wired. Let’s not be hypocrites and make things worse by
pretending otherwise. When we accept the truth we are free
to be selfish or unselfish without feeling guilty.

Is the game of life worth living for its own sake? Well,
it depends. If you are healthy, and living a meaningful
and adventurous life then it certainly is. However, as
you get old and your health declines, you may find that
it is too hard and too painful. Or as Winston Churchill
said – “If you are going through hell, keep going”. We
all must make choices about whether we want to keep living
at every moment of our existence. We grow old before our
time because we think play is for children.

But the reality is that the game of life is getting a lot
more challenging for all of us. Will we get more intelligent
or fail the test? The jury is out, but life enjoys struggling
against all odds and so far, it has been incredibly successful.
Don’t underestimate its ability to transcend itself, so that
it can simply keep the flow going.

There is absolutely no point in chasing after security,
because there is none. Life is a temporary business, so
go for the biggest dream you can imagine, and be prepared
for disappointment, failure, embarrassment, laughter,
stupidity, learning, success and surprises galore.

This is our greatest challenge in the present time and where
true meaning and purpose lie in wait for every person.
Perhaps too much peace can be boring too, if meaningful
living is absent. I eventually got bored being ‘blissed
out’ all the time and leaving the hard stuff to others.
Challenges are everywhere. Start somewhere – today!

Develop a life plan that is focused on the things that are
really important to you, and paradoxically plan to be
surprised. When I say ‘really important to you’ I mean
just that. Don’t bother filling up your life with ‘luke-warm’
goals that are going nowhere. Life is too short and you just
won’t enjoy the journey very much either.

Start a ripple effect like throwing a stone into the middle
of a pond, and be a participant in creating good things at
the edges of your vision as well as the centre. Be
embarrassed to die before you achieve what you were
meant to do on this planet!

Start changing your life today… visit

Take care

Gary Hipworth
Director Maverick Solutions
Creator of Inmate 88 Life Planning Software

>>> >>> eBook of the Week <<< <<<
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The e*Vision eZine is published by Tom Hua
Copyright (c) 2001 - 2009, all rights reserved.
No portion of this publication may be reproduced
or transmitted without the express written consent
of the publisher or contributing editors and or writers.

DISCLAIMER: We disclaim any liability for the use of
Any contributed information contained herein.

I hope you've enjoyed this issue of the e*Vision ezine.
Please let me know if you have any questions, suggestions
or requests.

All the Best, until next time!

Tom Hua
Read ALL Past Issues at ==> http://ustoday.net/evision/