, from Tom Hua - Publisher of e*Vision,
and the co-founder of the World Internet Summit.

*** If You Speak, Read and Write Chinese... ***
... and are interested in Internet Marketing in China -
The Biggest Market in the world of our time....
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A Solution for Your Biggest Concerns about Growing Older

Hi ,

How often have you felt too tired to cope with life? Do
you have too little energy to cope with what you are doing?
If you truly want to enjoy the wealth and money you have
made, you really owe it to yourself to be healthy by
feeding yourself right.

Below message is from a friend of mine Irene Lok.

Hi, I am Irene Lok, a qualified Naturopath, Medical
Herbalist and Chartered Natural Medicine Practitioner.
I lost my father to cancer within 20 days of diagnosis
in 2003. It was the prime time of his life. My father
had worked hard all his life, brought us up and just as
he was enjoying his time being a grandfather and could
relax a little with less financial burden as his children
had started working, he was diagnosed with cancer. It was
a shock to our family, even a bigger shock when he died in
20 days. I knew I had a mission. I had to find out why.
I was a Chartered Accountant then. I was adamant I wanted
to search for an answer to premature death.

I returned to university and retrained as a naturopath and
medical herbalist. I started a retail health store in 2005
and now run a naturopathic clinic in Auckland, New Zealand.
I continue to search for the longevity secret and why people
die prematurely. The evidence I found on the benefits of
resveratrol on the SIRT1 gene and telomere lengthening was
very impressive. In the retail and clinical setting, I have
been using resveratrol, acai, tumeric, grapeseed and pine
bark antioxidant products on my clients and have seen
fantastic health results. This has led to my special
formulation of ResAcai which is designed to provide you
with powerful antioxidants for your body. With a well-
researched natural longevity product resveratrol and other
natural potent antioxidants like the popular acai berry,
tumeric, pinebark and grapeseed, ResAcai is a totally
vegetarian formulation.

Our modern lifestyle with high consumption of processed and
nutrient deficient food, stressful environment and constant
exposure to high levels of pollution and pesticides
including smoking can easily cause oxidative stress on
our cells. Cellular damage hastens the ageing process and
can cause chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and
even cancer.

How can you delay the ageing process? How can the French
have a low incidence of heart disease despite their high
fat diet? Click here to find out more:

Health is ultimately the most important aspect of your
life. A sick person only has one wish while a well person
can have many. Imagine being sick, tired and constantly
needing medical attention, what’s the point of making
money if you can’t enjoy your wealth? Without a healthy
body, you will not be able to do the things you love to
do and enjoy life. You owe it to yourself to be healthy.
So, take action today to be healthy. Get more information
and order ResAcai here:

Made in clean, green New Zealand, this product will be
shipped free anywhere in the world through economy airmail:

To YOUR Success & Health!

Tom Hua


Welcome to this issue of e*Vision! by Tom Hua
(Volume XI - Issue 2011-11-15)
The e*Vision ezine is specifically focused on the online
marketing of information products. I hope you find the
information presented in The e*Vision ezine valuable,
and that it helps bring you online success.
Read ALL Past Issues at == http://ustoday.net/evision/

>>>>>> Featured Article <<<< <<<<
How To Submit Articles: 5 Writing Tips For Beginners
- by Steve Shaw
When you're first starting to write and submit articles, it
can be a little stressful. You've got a blank page in front
of you, and you're wondering how in the world to get started.
It could be that the last time you wrote anything similar to
a free reprint article was back in high school or college,
and you're not at all used to tackling a project like that

If this is you, know that you're in the same boat with loads
of others who are just starting to submit articles. Many people
who are veteran article writers now started in positions
similar to yours--not knowing how to write an article and not
knowing what to write about.

In this article, I'm going to try to take some of the stress
out of your experience and get you moving in the right direction.

Here are 5 writing tips for beginners:

1- Your first articles will probably take longer to write.

Know that as you get more used to writing articles, the
process will probably get faster. So, just be patient with
yourself--you're learning a new skill and as you get more
used to it you will feel more comfortable doing it.

2 - Don't try to write an article in one sitting.

That's an unreal expectation, and it can lead to frustration
on your part. Writing is a process, and the first part of
the process is just jotting down some general points that
you want to include in the article. This is called a "first

The next step after that is to flesh out the information,
adding examples or just more detailed info.

After that, you'll want to create an introductory paragraph
and a concluding paragraph. The introductory paragraph tells
what your article is about in a nutshell. It gives the reader
and indication of what type of information to expect in the

The concluding paragraph brings closure to the article. You
can recap the main points you made, give encouragement to
the reader on implementing the instructions that you gave in
the article, or you can even tell the reader how to start
applying the information that your article taught.

After you've got all the elements of your article in place,
then put your article away for at least 24 hours. After
that time, it's time to proofread. Don't worry about typos
or grammar until you get to the last step, the proofreading

3 - Take your time--give yourself ample time to write and
review your article before submitting it.

I know it can be exciting to get your first article published,
but it's in your best interest to take your time and be sure
that your article is pretty near perfect before you submit
it anywhere. Remember that this article will have your name
attached to it and will be republished across the internet.
If there are any mistakes in the article, you will have a
hard time making any corrections because the article will
be published on sites over which you have no control.

So, slow down, take your time and ensure that this article
you're creating is something you'll be proud to have your
name attached to.

4 - Use proofreading techniques to polish your article.

You've read your article about a million times by the time
you get to the proofreading stage. Your brain is so used
to seeing the words on the page that you almost have the
article memorized.

In order to proofread, you need to look at your article
with fresh eyes.

Put your article away for at least 24 hours before proofreading.
Then, read your article backwards, one sentence at a time.
This will help you to notice any errors that your mind might
just gloss over if you read the article forwards.

You can also try reading your article out loud. Speaking each
word of your article out loud helps highlight errors.

5 - What should you write about?

Write an article that teaches a beginner in your field how
to do something specific and practical. That's usually the
type of content that readers are searching for.

When you're writing your first articles, it can feel awkward
and slow, but that's the way it is whenever someone learns a
new skill. Use the tips in this article to help you complete
your first articles, and you will start to feel your confidence
rise. Before long, writing articles won't be such a big deal
--you'll be able to do these steps in your sleep!
Steve Shaw is a content syndication specialist. Do you own a
blog? Need content? Join thousands of other blogs and get
free high-quality, niche-focused, human-reviewed content from
quality authors sent on auto-pilot - and it's all 100% free!
Get free blog posts now. http://www.autoblogit.com/

>>>> eBook of the Week <<< <<<
A rabbit is a great pet. Get this book
with the tips you must have to keep
your bunny and family happy! $ 17

*** If You Speak, Read and Write Chinese... ***
... and are interested in Internet Marketing in China -
The Biggest Market in the world of our time....
Visit my Brand New WeiBo here today -

The e*Vision eZine is published by Tom Hua
Copyright (c) 2001 - 2011, all rights reserved.
No portion of this publication may be reproduced
or transmitted without the express written consent
of the publisher or contributing editors and or writers.

DISCLAIMER: We disclaim any liability for the use of
Any contributed information contained herein.

I hope you've enjoyed this issue of the e*Vision ezine.
Please let me know if you have any questions, suggestions
or requests.

All the Best, until next time!

Tom Hua
Read ALL Past Issues at ==> http://ustoday.net/evision/